Trying to be the nutritionist for your household?

Juggling all the kid activities, household chores and yard work makes for a busy week. Do you, also, find yourself struggling to figure out how to feed your family something nutritious?

I did. I’m a mom of four. Four little beautiful boys that are currently 7, 5, 3 and almost 1 years old.

Five years ago when my oldest, River, started getting a strange red rash around his lips I decided it was time to switch from whole milk to something else. We found soy, rice, and almond milk. But there are always added sugars! Something I was really trying to cut back on.

Then we brought home our first milk cow

and we were all hooked.

Sweet Junebug seemed to have all the answers. She provided us with beautiful raw milk and the most precious relationship I have had with one of my farm animals.

Not only is raw milk truly delicious but it’s full of wonderful probiotics and enzymes that has changed our immune systems and lives for the better.

No more rashes!

We will never look back. And you don’t have too either!

Our real food journey started long before raw milk.

My husband and I started growing our own vegetables back in 2013.

Then we added chickens. Boy, did we add chickens!

Chickens turned into goats, pigs, ducks, geese and now cattle.

We wouldn’t have it any other way.

We love living this life.

We raise our own food with love and compassion and then we honor our animal’s death by providing nourishment for our children.

Leaving this legacy is our goal.

We are now ready to serve our community.

With these uncertain times it feels like strong communities are more important than ever! Supporting local is an Alaskan standard.

What is a strong community without food security?


No matter what lifestyle you have, if you believe eating locally raised products is what is best for you and your family, please join our family farm.

We want to support your family while you help support ours